Do you see what I see. May we all see love.
I would like to show you a video. And have you think for yourself what you see. I will tell you what I think you should see and perhaps...
I may not be able to tell you.
Sometimes we have to talk about it a lot. Sometimes we can't really talk about it (yet). When our heart aches, we aren't always sure what...
What becomes a part of you.
Grief becomes a part of us. That is not something we necessarily want to hear, that this painful, aching and emotional experience won’t...
Walking through it.
In 2012, I started on an another adventure in my veterinary education. Along with my 70+ other (incredible) classmates, I started surgery...
Mums Rule.
It is Mother’s Day. A joyous occasion for so many to celebrate the amazing person who helped bring you in to this world. Though for some,...
Happy First Day of this New Year
Yes, I am someone who loves New Years. And mornings too. We get a fresh start (OK so maybe we don’t get to wake feeling refreshed and...
Gambling Your Heart and Your Loves With the Cancer Dice…
I woke to a regular Sunday, all the animals excited and eager for breakfast (let’s remember I live in a house of hogs!) and happy to...
Love, life and decisions (oh and cancer sucks):
Along the way in my veterinary career, I would repeatedly think to myself “I could never take care of a diabetic”. And then Lil Fella...
The Waves That Wash Over Us...Love and Loss
Last summer I received a call from a client and head of a local rescue group reaching out to seek geriatric support for a special foster...
Tis the Season for Thanks
Last night we played all the best Christmas music and decorated our tree... we laughed about the times when our cat Mr. Brownstone would...